成大映像 |
Time-Portrayed NCKU |
Quietly, the seeds of dream rest. Along the horizon of time, they sprout and grow.
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成大映像 |
Time-Portrayed NCKU |
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The College of Social Sciences held the Forum on the Environment of Haian Road in July, 2016, under the MOE’s Reconstruction of Humanities and Social Sciences Development Plan.
105年4月,由成功大學社會科學院經濟系蔡群立教授指導,團隊成員駱子揚、劉又瑄、張慈、蔡沛、臧鐸、張譯方、林聖祐聯手組成的 「渦輪巴菲特」團隊,在比賽過程中不僅點子創新,落實性也高,受到「2016 FinTech創意大賞企劃競賽」評審團一致肯定,頒給「銀行類特色獎」。「渦輪巴菲特」團隊提出一個匯聚了一般大眾、各方擅於投資策略的高手以及理專的平台「AlgoMunity¬ to compete and choose side」,結合金融機構、科技、社群網絡,以科技為載體,引入群眾力量,分享自身知 識、策略,創造利人利己的雙贏局面。
The Turbo Buffett, instructed by Prof. Chun-Li Tsai of Economics Studies Department, won a special prize in the banking section of 2016 FinTech Creative Awards Competition. The 7 team members, including Tzu-Yang Lo, Yu-Hsuan Liu, Tsu Chang, Pei Tsai, To Tsang, I-Fang Chang, and Sheng-Yu Lin, developed a platform, “AlgoMunity”, for investors, banking consultants, bnaks, and general public to share strategies and knowledge.
104學年度年,45歲的成大社會科學院新任院長許育典,自小失去左前臂,靠著努力一路從助理教授做起,成為成大有史以來最年輕的院長。許育典38歲當上成大法律系系主任,當時也是成大歷來最年輕的系主任,並曾獲10大傑出青年。他年幼時,因為一場火車意外,失去左前臂,但卻帶給他不同的人生。家貧無法供應他唸書,只有努力拿獎學金,讓他從小就不敢浪費時間,去德國拿法學博士,一般人可能要唸8、9年以上,他4年半就拿到 ,因為公費留學只補助4年半。2015年8月上任社科院長,許院長覺得肩上的責任加重,表示在歷任院長努力下,已為成大社科院奠下良好的基礎。未來除了加強內部的凝聚力,對外則爭取經費,提升國際競爭力,並且針對東亞學生,設計專屬的學程,吸引更多的國際學生。許院長上任後致力提升社科院國際交流,以達成落實本校邁向國際一流大學國際化指標,並加強與國際間其他大學實質交流互動之基本理念,許院長積極帶領本院各系與國際大學簽署MOU,以創造國際學術合作之機會與潛力。
Dr. Yue-Dian Hsu, 45 years old, became the College Dean of Social Sciences in 2015. Dean Hsu, Distinguished Professor of Department of Law, has been honorably recognized as Ten Outstanding Young Persons by the Junior Chamber International (JCI) Taiwan. Recalling the past, his left hand was taken away in a train accident at the age of 6. However, it was also due to this “physical disability” that he realized that with understanding and endurance, fortune can be harvested from misfortune. Thus, he completed his PhD in Germany just in 4 and half years.
Dr. Cheng-Ta Yang of Psychology Department won the 53rd Ten Outstanding Young Persons of ROC. Dr. Yang lost his partial vision in his childhood due to congenital retinal macular degeneration. However, his passion toward learning enabled him to complete his PhD at National Taiwan University at the age of 26, and began to teach at NCKU. He has been dedicated to the studies of psychology and the applications in social business to provide help to the needed in the society.
2016年3月成功大學社會科學院教育研究所教授楊雅婷,帶領國內菁英教師團隊,勇奪微軟全球教育論壇暨24小時「創意教學設計馬拉松競賽」性別平等議題全球第三名佳績,顯示楊雅婷深耕教育領域,對國內教育環境以及國際教育趨勢都有深入瞭解,這個競賽佳績,也顯現教育界、地方政府、產業界共同攜手合作的絕佳典範。微軟全球教育論壇暨創意教師競賽(2014 Microsoft in Education Global Forum)是全球教育菁英每年必定朝聖的浩大聚會,今年在西班牙巴塞隆納舉行,共有100多個國家,超過1100位教育專家、校長、教師和政府官員出席此盛會;其中,參加創意教師競賽的人數是歷屆全球最多的一年。
A team of teachers led by Prof. Ya-Ting Carolyn Yang of the Institute of Education won the third prize in Gender Equality Issue in the 2014 Microsoft in Education Global Forum. The 2014 Forum took place in Barcelona, Spain, with about 1100 participants from more than 100 countries in the world. Prof. Yang had been dedicated to educational trends in the world and issues in Taiwan, so that she and the team could outperformed other contestants in this competitive contest.
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (FMRI) has been applied as a core study area in the College of Social Sciences. The Mind Research and Imaging Center organized the 2014 FMRI Workshop to extend the platform of sharing the latest findings in FMRI research.
A team formed by faculty members of Colleges of Social Sciences at NCKU and NTU began a one-year research project on the underground economy scale in Taiwan. In the press conference in July 2017, the team announced the research findings and suggested that the underground economy had reached 28.1% of the total GDP of Taiwan in 2012.
Delegates from Universität Trier, Germany, visited the College.
Delegates from Yokohama National University, Japan, visited the College.
2016年3月成功大學社會科學院教育研究所教授楊雅婷,帶領國內菁英教師團隊,勇奪微軟全球教育論壇暨24小時「創意教學設計馬拉松競賽」性別平等議題全球第三名佳績,顯示楊雅婷深耕教育領域,對國內教育環境以及國際教育趨勢都有深入瞭解,這個競賽佳績,也顯現教育界、地方政府、產業界共同攜手合作的絕佳典範。微軟全球教育論壇暨創意教師競賽(2014 Microsoft in Education Global Forum)是全球教育菁英每年必定朝聖的浩大聚會,今年在西班牙巴塞隆納舉行,共有100多個國家,超過1100位教育專家、校長、教師和政府官員出席此盛會;其中,參加創意教師競賽的人數是歷屆全球最多的一年。
A team of teachers led by Prof. Ya-Ting Carolyn Yang of the Institute of Education won the third prize in Gender Equality Issue in the 2014 Microsoft in Education Global Forum. The 2014 Forum took place in Barcelona, Spain, with about 1100 participants from more than 100 countries in the world. Prof. Yang had been dedicated to educational trends in the world and issues in Taiwan, so that she and the team could outperformed other contestants in this competitive contest.
Members of the Student Association, the Department of Political Science, discussed global issues with the student delegates from the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Dean Yue-Dian Hsu, Chair Chun-Jen Chen, and Prof. Hsiao-Wen Wang of the Department of Law visited universities in Germany.
Dean Yue-Dian Hsu, together with the delegates from NCKU, visited Osaka University, Japan, to discuss the Joint Dual-degree plan with Vice President Shun Hoshino. This plan aimed to strengthen the academic and research collaboration between the two universities.
The 2nd Camp of State Leadership was held by the Department of Political Science.