10/01 - 11/01, 11/04 球類系際對抗賽Inter-Departmental Ball Games
會前賽 10/24 - 11/04, 決賽 11/11 校慶運動會田徑賽Athletics Games
11/11 20人21腳競賽 20-person-21-feet Fun Games
會前賽 10/24 - 11/04, 決賽 11/11 校慶運動會田徑賽Athletics Games
11/11 20人21腳競賽 20-person-21-feet Fun Games
11/11 校慶運動會 University Anniversary Sports Day
11/12 - 11/13 第19屆成台體育交流The 19th NCKU-NTU Sports Games
11/12 - 11/13 第19屆成台體育交流The 19th NCKU-NTU Sports Games
9/30~10/1 物理治療學系系友回娘家系列活動Alumni Day
10/01 老年學研究所10週年校友回娘家慶祝大會The 10th Department Anniversary and Alumni Day
10/15 心理學系10週年系慶活動The 10th Department Anniversary
10/15 統計系友橄欖球OB賽Alumni Rugby OB Games
11/05 管理學院60週年院慶The 60th College Anniversary
11/05 航太系友回娘家Alumni Day
11/11 校友之夜 University Alumni Night
11/05 中國文學系慶祝創立60週年The 60th Department Anniversary
11/11 統計系校友之夜Alumni Night
11/11 統計系75級「畢業30週年同學會」Class 1986 Alumni Day
11/12 土木系40週年系友返系活動 The 40th Department Anniversary & Alumni Day
11/12 2016機械系系友大會Alumni Day
11/12 經濟系友回娘家Alumni Day
10/01 老年學研究所10週年校友回娘家慶祝大會The 10th Department Anniversary and Alumni Day
10/15 心理學系10週年系慶活動The 10th Department Anniversary
10/15 統計系友橄欖球OB賽Alumni Rugby OB Games
11/05 管理學院60週年院慶The 60th College Anniversary
11/05 航太系友回娘家Alumni Day
11/11 校友之夜 University Alumni Night
11/05 中國文學系慶祝創立60週年The 60th Department Anniversary
11/11 統計系校友之夜Alumni Night
11/11 統計系75級「畢業30週年同學會」Class 1986 Alumni Day
11/12 土木系40週年系友返系活動 The 40th Department Anniversary & Alumni Day
11/12 2016機械系系友大會Alumni Day
11/12 經濟系友回娘家Alumni Day
11/12 105系統系系友大會Alumni Day
11/12 成大化工系系友年會Alumni Day
11/12 水利及海洋工程學系系友回娘家Alumni Day
11/12 材料系友大會Alumni Day
11/6 生命科學系 系友大會Alumni Day
11/05 光電系系友回娘家暨系友經驗分享座談會Alumni Day
11/06 系友回娘家Alumni Day
11/12 2016年化學系創系57週年第十屆系友大會2016Chemistry Alumni Reunion festival
11/12 物理學系創系一甲子系友會回娘家活動2016Chemistry Alumni Reunion festival
11/12 系友回娘家Alumni Day
11/12 成大化工系系友年會Alumni Day
11/12 水利及海洋工程學系系友回娘家Alumni Day
11/12 材料系友大會Alumni Day
11/6 生命科學系 系友大會Alumni Day
11/05 光電系系友回娘家暨系友經驗分享座談會Alumni Day
11/06 系友回娘家Alumni Day
11/12 2016年化學系創系57週年第十屆系友大會2016Chemistry Alumni Reunion festival
11/12 物理學系創系一甲子系友會回娘家活動2016Chemistry Alumni Reunion festival
11/12 系友回娘家Alumni Day
11/01 - 11/12 航向成功-船舶文物展 Sailing to Success: Maritime Exhibition
11/10 - 11/17 蘭花之美系列活動 Cheng Lan Activity Series: The Beauty of Orchid
10/19-11/30圖書館系列活動Human Library 2016:NCKU Alumni’ Dreams Come True.
11/08 - 11/11 博物館系列活動
11/10 - 11/17 蘭花之美系列活動 Cheng Lan Activity Series: The Beauty of Orchid
10/19-11/30圖書館系列活動Human Library 2016:NCKU Alumni’ Dreams Come True.
11/08 - 11/11 博物館系列活動
10/20-11/12 創意進行式 NCKU Creative ContinuumNCKU Creative Continuum
11/05 地球科學系系展
11/05 地科之星-館藏岩礦化石標本選粹展Selected Fossi ,Mineral and Rock Collections of EarthScience Museum
11/05 地球科學系系展
11/05 地科之星-館藏岩礦化石標本選粹展Selected Fossi ,Mineral and Rock Collections of EarthScience Museum
11/05 絲竹蘭韵慶風華Chinese Chamber Music Concert
11/06 成大85周年合唱團
Choir Concert: Puzangalan Choir with NCKU Faculty Choir
11/07 吳兆南相聲劇藝社《www.相聲.com》Wu Zhaonan Xiang Sheng
11/06 成大85周年合唱團
Choir Concert: Puzangalan Choir with NCKU Faculty Choir
11/07 吳兆南相聲劇藝社《www.相聲.com》Wu Zhaonan Xiang Sheng
工學院產業及學術活動週Industrial and Academic Activities Week
10/15 台灣心理學會第55屆年會 The 55th Annual Conference of Taiwan Psychological Association
11/04 - 11/05 新絲路 新思路 New Silk Road, New Historical Path: International Symposium on World History in 2016
11/06, 11/07 - 11/10 第12屆水科學與 工程國際研討會12th International Symposium on Water Science and Engineering
11/09 法國漢學哲學家朱利安 (Francois Jullien)Speech of Prof. Francois Jullien
11/11 - 11/12 2016 SATU Presidents'Forum
11/14 - 11/17 台灣科技藝術學會 第三屆國際 學術研討會 The 3rd ISAT: Collision, Collaboration and the Future of Artsci
10/15 台灣心理學會第55屆年會 The 55th Annual Conference of Taiwan Psychological Association
11/04 - 11/05 新絲路 新思路 New Silk Road, New Historical Path: International Symposium on World History in 2016
11/06, 11/07 - 11/10 第12屆水科學與 工程國際研討會12th International Symposium on Water Science and Engineering
11/09 法國漢學哲學家朱利安 (Francois Jullien)Speech of Prof. Francois Jullien
11/11 - 11/12 2016 SATU Presidents'Forum
11/14 - 11/17 台灣科技藝術學會 第三屆國際 學術研討會 The 3rd ISAT: Collision, Collaboration and the Future of Artsci
11/19 第52屆中華民國品質暨2016國際品質 管理研討會The 52nd ROC Quality and 2016 International Quality Management Seminar
12/14 實驗設計與不確定性量化研討會Seminar on Experimental Design and Uncertainty Quantification
10/25 2016細胞動力學研討會-分子發育與代謝2016 Cell Dynamics Symposium Molecular Development and Metabolism
09/19/105-01/12/106 成大創校85週年暨 數學系創系60週年系列專題演講Series of lectures for NCKU 85th Anniversary and Department of Mathematics 60th Anniversary
11/04 文理學院創立60週年聯合座談- 兩種文化間的徬徨College of Science and Liberal Arts 60th Anniversary colloquium
12/14 實驗設計與不確定性量化研討會Seminar on Experimental Design and Uncertainty Quantification
10/25 2016細胞動力學研討會-分子發育與代謝2016 Cell Dynamics Symposium Molecular Development and Metabolism
09/19/105-01/12/106 成大創校85週年暨 數學系創系60週年系列專題演講Series of lectures for NCKU 85th Anniversary and Department of Mathematics 60th Anniversary
11/04 文理學院創立60週年聯合座談- 兩種文化間的徬徨College of Science and Liberal Arts 60th Anniversary colloquium
11/15 捐血活動Blood Donation
11/11 榕護樹成果解說及校園建築文化資產修復導覽活動Guided tour on “Restoration of Cultural Assets and Banyan trees on campus”
11/11 台灣化工史料館開館儀式The Opening Ceremony of Taiwan Chemical Historical Museum
11/12 9:00~17:00 大學x社區 綠色生活節University X Communities, Green Life Festival
11/12 家長座談會及大學論文成果頒獎典禮Parents’ Meeting and Award Presentation Ceremony of Student Academic Papers Contest
11/11 榕護樹成果解說及校園建築文化資產修復導覽活動Guided tour on “Restoration of Cultural Assets and Banyan trees on campus”
11/11 台灣化工史料館開館儀式The Opening Ceremony of Taiwan Chemical Historical Museum
11/12 9:00~17:00 大學x社區 綠色生活節University X Communities, Green Life Festival
11/12 家長座談會及大學論文成果頒獎典禮Parents’ Meeting and Award Presentation Ceremony of Student Academic Papers Contest