八五遠揚 |
Events |
The image of 85 links the static and dynamic, science and arts, theory and practice, competition and cooperation, heritage and innovation, and finally toil and honor, to showcase the splendid spirit of National Cheng Kung University.
日期 | 活動名稱 | 地點 | 時間 | 主辦單位 |
10/01 - 11/01 11/04 | 球類系際對抗賽Inter-Departmental Ball Games | 各運動場區 中正堂Chiang Kai-shekGymnasium andother sportfacilities | 17:30 - 22:00 18:00 - 21:00(前四強決戰)Semi-final and final games | 體育室PhysicalEducationOffice |
會前賽 10/24 - 11/04Qualifying games 決賽 11/11Final games | 校慶運動會田徑賽Athletics Games | 光復操場Kuang-Fu SportField | 會前賽 16:10 - 20:00Qualifying games 決賽 10:00 - 16:00Final games | 體育室PhysicalEducationOffice |
11/11 | 20人21腳競賽20-person-21-feet FunGames | 光復操場Kuang-Fu SportField | 14:30- | 體育室PhysicalEducationOffice |
11/11 | 校慶運動會University Anniversary Sports Day | 光復操場Kuang-Fu SportField | 08:30 - 10:30 | 體育室PhysicalEducationOffice |
11/12 - 11/13 | 第19屆成台體育交流The 19th NCKU-NTU SportsGames | 各運動場區Chiang Kai-shekGymnasium andother sportfacilities | 08:00 - 17:00 | 體育室PhysicalEducationOffice |
日期 | 活動名稱 | 地點 | 時間 | 主辦單位 |
11/10 | 李國鼎科技與人文講座頒獎典禮 Award Presentation Ceremony of K.T. Li Technologyand Literature Lectureship | 總圖B1 會議廳B1ConferenceHall, Main Library | 11:00 - | 教務處Office of AcademicAffairs |
11/10 | 名譽博士學位授予典禮 Honorary Doctorate Degree ConferralCeremony | 總圖B1 會議廳B1ConferenceHall, Main Library | 14:30 - | 教務處Office of AcademicAffairs |
11/11 | 優秀青年校友頒獎典禮 Presentation Ceremony of Outstanding Young AlumniAwards | 成功廳Cheng Kung Hall | 10:30 - 12:30 | 校友聯絡中心Alumni AssociationCenter |
11/11 | 校友傑出成就獎頒獎典禮Presentation Ceremony of Outstanding Alumni Awards | 總圖B1 會議廳B1ConferenceHall, Main Library | 15:00 - 17:30 | 秘書室Secretariat Office |
日期 | 活動名稱 | 地點 | 時間 | 主辦單位 |
09/30 10/01 | 物治系系友回娘家Alumni Day | 物理治療學系館Department Building | 13:00-15:00 09:00-12:00 | 物理治療學系Department of Physical Medicine andRehabilitation |
10/01 | 老年學研究所10週年校友回娘家慶祝大會 The 10th Department Anniversary and Alumni Day | 醫學院第2講堂 10樓老年學研究所2nd Lecture Hall and 10F, Medical College | 09:30 - 15:00 | 老年學研究所Institute ofGerontology |
10/15 | 心理學系10週年系慶活動The 10th Department Anniversary | 社科大樓 | 09:30 - | 心理學系Department of Psychology |
10/15 | 統計系友橄欖球OB賽Alumni Rugby OB Games | 自強球場Tzu-Chiang SportField | 15:00 - | 統計系Department of Statistics |
11/05 | 管理學院60週年院慶The 60th College Anniversary | 未定To be announced | 18:00 - | 管理學院College ofManagement |
11/05 | 航太系友回娘家Alumni Day | 航太系館Department Building | 09:00 - 16:00 | 航太系Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics |
11/11 | 校友之夜University Alumni Night | 中正堂Chiang Kai-shek Gymnasium | 18:00 - 21:00 | 校友聯絡中心Alumni Association Center |
11/05 | 中國文學系慶祝創立60週年The 60th Department Anniversary | 中文系館Department Building | 09:30 - 17:00 | 中文系Department ofChinese Literature |
11/11 | 統計系校友之夜Alumni Night | 中正堂Chiang Kai-shek Gymnasium | 18:00 - | 統計系Department ofStatistics |
11/11 | 統計系75級「畢業30週年同學會」Class 1986 Alumni Day | 統計系館Department Building | 15:00 - | 統計系Department ofStatistics |
11/12 | 土木系40週年系友返系活動The 40th Department Anniversary & Alumni Day | 土木系館Department Building | 13:30 - | 土木系Department ofCivil Engineering |
11/12 | 2016機械系系友大會Alumni Day | 機械系俊銘講堂Department Building | 10:00 - 14:00 | 機械系Department of Mechanical Engineering |
11/12 | 經濟系友回娘家Alumni Day | 經濟系館Department Building | 10:30 - | 經濟系Department of Economics |
11/12 | 105系統系系友大會Alumni Day | 系統系館Department Building | 13:30 - 17:00 | 系統系Department of System andNaval MechatronicEngineering |
11/12 | 成大化工系系友年會Alumni Day | 化工系館Department Building | 10:30 - 17:00 | 化工系Department of Chemical Engineering |
11/12 | 水利系系友回娘家Alumni Day | 水利系館Department Building | 14:00 - | 水利系Department of Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering |
11/12 | 材料系友大會Alumni Day | 材料系新館1樓 協勝發講堂44101Lecture Hall 44101, 1F, New Building of Department of MaterialsScience and Engineerin |
14:00 - | 材料系Department of MaterialsScience and Engineering |
11/06 | 生命科學系 系友大會Alumni Day | 生科系系館Departmant Building | 10:10 - | 生命科學系Department of Life Sciences |
11/05 | 光電系系友回娘家暨系友經驗分享座談會Alumni Day | 成功校區綜合大樓4F-48424Departmant Building | 09:30 - | 光電系Department of Photonics |
11/06 | 系友回娘家Alumni Day | 地科系館Departmant Building | 10:00 | 地科系Department of Earth Sciences |
11/12 | 2016年化學系創系57週年第十屆系友大會2016Chemistry Alumni Reunion festival | 計網中心廣場Computer and Network Center Plaza | 10:00 | 化學系Department of Chemistry |
11/12 | 物理學系創系一甲子系友會回娘家活動2016Chemistry Alumni Reunion festival | 成功校區理化大樓B1格致廳小講堂Physics and Chemistry Builiding | 10:00 - 16:00 | 物理系Department of Physics |
11/12 | 系友回娘家Alumni Day | 數學系館Department of Mathematics | 09:30 - 12:00 | 數學系Department of Mathematics |
日期 | 活動名稱 | 地點 | 時間 | 主辦單位 |
11/05 | 絲竹蘭韵慶風華Chinese Chamber Music Concert | 鳳凰樹劇場PhoenixTheater | 14:30 - 17:30 | 文學院College ofLiberal Arts |
11/06 | 成大85周年 ─ 屏東希望兒童合唱團vs.成大教職員混聲合唱團Choir Concert: Puzangalan Choir with NCKU Faculty Choir | 成功廳Cheng Kung Hall | 14:30 - | 藝術中心Art Center |
11/07 | 吳兆南相聲劇藝社《www.相聲.com》 Wu Zhaonan Xiang Sheng | 成功廳Cheng Kung Hall | 19:30 - 21:30 | 藝術中心Art Center |
11/12 | 85週年《校慶音樂會》 Concert for the 85th University Anniversary | 成功廳Cheng Kung Hall | 14:30 - 16:30 | 藝術中心Art Center |
11/14 | 成大曼陀林樂團十週年慶祝音樂會 Concert for the 10th Anniversary of NCKU Mandolin Orchestra | 成功廳Cheng Kung Hall | 19:30 - 21:30 | 藝術中心Art Center |
日期 | 活動名稱 | 地點 | 時間 | 主辦單位 |
未定To be announced | 工學院產業及學術活動週 Industrial and Academic Activities Week | 未定To be announced | 未定To be announced | 工學院College of Engineering |
10/15 | 台灣心理學會第55屆年會 The 55th Annual Conference of Taiwan Psychological Association | 社科大樓College of Social Sciences | 08:30 - | 心理學系Department ofPsychology |
11/04 - 11/05 | 新絲路 新思路: 成功大學2016年世界史國際學術會議 New Silk Road, New Historical Path: International Symposium on World History in 2016 | 國際會議廳第一會議室及第二會議室1st and 2nd Conference Room,International Conference Hall | 08:30 - 17:30 | 歷史系Department ofHistory |
11/06 11/07 - 11/10 | 第12屆水科學與工程國際研討會12th International Symposium on Water Science and Engineering | 台南遠東大飯店 Shangri-La's Far EasternPlaza Hotel | 13:30 - 17:30 09:00 - 17:30 | 工學院College of Engineering |
11/09 | 法國漢學哲學家朱利安 (Francois Jullien) Speech of Prof. Francois Jullien | 中文系館1F文學院演講廳 Department of Chinese Literature 1F | 15:00 - 17:30 | 中文系Department of Chinese Literature |
11/11 - 11/12 | 2016 SATU Presidents'Forum | 國際會議廳第1演講室及多功能廳1st Conference Room & Multifunction Room, International Conference Hall | 12:30 - | 國際事務處Office of International Affairs |
11/14 - 11/17 | 台灣科技藝術學會 第三屆國際學術研討會 : 衝突與合作-科技藝術的未來 The 3rd ISAT: Collision, Collaboration and the Future of Artsci | 國際會議廳第二演講室、第三演講室、成大藝坊 | 08:00 - 20:00 | 科技藝術碩士學位學程Master Program onTechno Art |
11/19 | 第52屆中華民國品質暨2016國際品質管理研討會 The 52nd ROC Quality and 2016 International Quality Management Seminar | 管理學院B1B1, College of Management | 09:00 - | 統計學系Department of Statistics |
12/14 | 實驗設計與不確定性量化研討會 Seminar on Experimental Design and Uncertainty Quantification | 統計系館1樓Department Building | 09:00 - | 統計學系Department of Statistics |
10/25 | 2016細胞動力學研討會-分子發育與代謝 2016 Cell Dynamics Symposium Molecular Development and Metabolism | 生科系館Departmant Building | 09:00 - | 生命科學系Department of Life Sciences |
09/19/105 - 01/12/106 | 成大創校85週年暨數學系創系60週年系列專題演講 Series of lectures for NCKU 85th Anniversary and Department of Mathematics 60th Anniversary | 數學系館Department of Mathematics | 參見網址 | 數學系Department of Mathematics |
11/04 | 文理學院創立60週年聯合座談-兩種文化間的徬徨 College of Science and Liberal Arts 60th Anniversary colloquium | 成功校區理化大樓B1格致廳小講堂Physics and Chemistry Builiding | 12:00 - 13:30 | 物理系Department of Physics |
日期 | 活動名稱 | 地點 | 時間 | 主辦單位 |
11/15 | 捐血活動Blood Donation | 成大醫院門診大樓2號門 | 10:00 - 16:00 | 成大附設醫院University Hospital |
11/11 | 榕樹護樹成果解說 及校園建築文化資產修復導覽活動 Guided tour on “Restoration of Cultural Assets and Banyan trees on campus” | 大成館(工設系館)前 | 上午 10:00-10:20 上午 11:00-11:20 下午 15:00-15:20 | 總務處Office of General Affairs |
11/11 | 台灣化工史料館開館儀式 The Opening Ceremony of Taiwan Chemical Historical Museum | 化工系館Department Building | 13:00 - 15:00 | 化工系Department of Chemical Engineering |
11/12 | 大學x社區 綠色生活節University X Communities, Green Life Festival | 勝利校區K館前廣場The square in front of K Hall at Sheng-Li Campus | 9:00 - 17:00 | 人文社會學中心Center for Humanitiesand Social Sciences |
11/12 | 家長座談會及大學論文 成果頒獎典禮 Parents’ Meeting and Award Presentation Ceremony of Student Academic Papers Contest |
材料系新館1樓 協勝發講堂44101 Lecture Hall 44101, 1F, New Building of Department of MaterialsScience and Engineerin |
10:30 - | 材料系Department of MaterialsScience and Engineering |